Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Left's Double standard is seen in how they adore Rapo-Polanski

Roman Polanski is finally arrested for the rape of a 13 year old girl some 32 years after the fact and the mainstream media comes running to his defense with the argument of it being so long ago. Is this not the same group of people that continue to rehash all the terrible things the Bush administration did to terrorists..........not victims, TERRORISTS, some 6 years ago.
I hear Whoopi Goldberg making light of it "this wasn't rape rape", alluding to it being statutory only. She should read the facts. This girl was drugged and raped......RAPED....vaginally, orally, anally. She was forced and then Polanski was lucky enough to get a plea bargain because the family did not want to put the girl through a trial. He used that opportunity to abscond from justice.......well, justice is due. He should get new charges for fleeing as well.
I am so tired of these people, Whoopi, Debra Winger and the left leaning loons coming out with their fake morality against attrocities, like waterboarding terrorists, while giving a pass to one of the worst, and one of their own. Check your morals before pointing the finger you loons.
